First Birthday Photoshoot in Nashville, TN
Our sweet boy is a year old already. To say the year went so incredibly fast is an understatement. I mean, I think I have whiplash it went so freakin fast! There is something about the first year…being sleep-deprived, trying to find your new balance, trying to take it all in, it just goes so fast! I just can’t believe we are in year two already.
Is he not the cutest thing though? This boy. He is fierce. He never stops. Go go go go go. Sometimes I just want to hold him, but no…go go go go go. He reminds me so much of our #1. Andrew was like that, never stopped until his head hit the pillow. I remember him being super cuddly though. Brady bug is so busy, it’s hard to get him to cuddle sometimes, which makes my momma heart so sad.
He is extra curious and into ALL THE THINGS! He loves music and loves to dance. It’s pretty adorable. He adores his big sister and cannot get enough of his daddy. I would say he is a daddy’s boy for sure. Cue the tears. Lol.
This boy loves to eat and gosh forbid anyone else tries to eat in front of him without sharing. As you can imagine, he loved his first cake. He even tried to eat it with his feet because he couldn’t eat it fast enough with his hands. Haha, too funny. Anyways, enjoy some of his first birthday shoot sweetness. I just can’t get enough! Enjoy those babies, mamas, because they just don’t keep!